Well, you're getting mine within seconds. I'll never know which settings had been causing the problems, but using the DEFAULT command brought my iMac back to its brand new condition. Fast Clean: Find and remove junk files (including system caches, user caches, system logs, user logs, user downloads, Trash, Safari Internet cache. For things you love, CleanMyMac creates the room. I just saw a command that said something like 'Restore all defaults,' so I chose it thinking that it could do no harm. The CleanMyMac X 4.5.3 Free macOS download is a full offline installer standalone. Even better, Onyx fixed the problems even though I had no idea of how to use it. They couldn't help me, either so, having nowhere else to go, I tried Onyx, and not only did those two problems disappear, but also another one that I had resigned myself to. I had had a couple of problems that they couldn't help me with, so I called Apple Care. Anyway, I used Onyx WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION, and it worked. I had assumed that Apple Support Communities would be against Onyx, because they are against everything that doesn't come from Apple, and they like to argue too much for my taste.